Doxx all your boys 204 edition vol. 1: Losers, Trolls and Fraudsters.

This will be the first in a series of articles identifying and exposing members of the Manitoba chapter of the The alt-right frat known as the Proud Boys.
Who are the Proud Boys?
Founded in 2016 by former Rebel Media contributer, Vice co-founder and all around hipster asshole Gavin McInnes, they have chapters all over North America and have been seen coordinating and colluding with violent white nationalist and other xenophobic “patriot” groups. They consider themselves “western chauvinists” and “traditionalists,” which are just code words for patriarchal, fascist scum bags. They worship fascist leaders such as Pinochet, and, in this post from the Proud Boys Canada, Nazis as well:

The violence from the Proud Boys in the United States is well documented and the same goes for Canadian members as you can read here about Ottawa Member and now wanted fugitive Brandon Vaughan:

And lets not forget Proud Boys Canada’s support of nazi sympathizer Faith Goldy, renowned islamopobe Tommy Robinson and other racist scumbags.

As with any trend Manitoba being the prairie backwoods that it is always seems to jump on late. We have waited for a while for the emergence of a Proud Boys chapter in Manitoba and unfortunately they are here but fear not folks! We have identified them and what we found should surprise anyone.

Meet your Manitoba Proud Boys!

As you can see they’re probably the lease intimidating boys on the planet and besides from meme making, trolling and drinking in a garage they haven’t been public ( because this Winnipeg and we have a low tolerence for goofy fascist drinking frats)

Todd Ian MacMcDougall (Top far right, no pun) is a very familiar figure to anti racists in Winnipeg. He once invited and disinvited Jesse Wielenga from WCAI in September of 2017 which he and his 3 supporters were met by 300 antifascistas and subsequently got chased out of downtown and has been crying about this incident for over a year on his page Winnipeg Alternative Media where he livestreams himself rehashing tired “libertarian” talking points while supporiting the likes of Faith Goldy, Lauren Southern, Rebel Media, Tommy Robinson and Paul Joseph Watson which puts him in “I’m not racist, I just fully support and promote xenophobes openly” camp.

One could question how proud they are when Todd and others have a facebook fundraiser set up referring to their group as a “Men’s Club” We would advise on not trusting any one who identifies as a proud boys with money knowing that their sergeant at arms (lol) and 3rd degree member is a bonafide scam artist and horrible business person.

Meet Jason Druet orignally from Ontario got into a wee bit of trouble with the law back in 2009. It seems he was aressted and convicted of cocaine charges as we can see here.


While in Winnipeg he has started abd folded several contracting businesses. This is likley due to his habit of scamming people out of their hard earned money.

His last business JD interlock and Landscaping is currently facing several active lawsuits:

There are plenty of online reviews from folks who have been scammed out of thousands of dollars (at last count over $20,000) It’s always a bad idea to do business with a Proud Boy but now we know what happens when you give them deposits, the work doesnt get done and you don’t get your money back and as we can see in the court documents no way to recover your funds either since they move bank accounts.

It alsp seems that he doesn’t like to pay workers.

Or lawyers for that matter.

Of course this didn’t stop him from trying to crowd source funds from his mostly online friends. Here we see him raising funds for a proud penis tattoo.

And here we aee him trying to raise 5 million dollars for a helicopter (wow don’t cut yourself on all that edge)

He has since rebanded his company to picture perfect paving and stone abd when hes not ripping people off he trolls antifascist looking to fight but when his offer is accepted he blocks them and makes new profiles.

Jason, we know you’re not from here so let us give you some advice. Anti-racists in this city see through your bravado and 5’4″ frame, and will meet you in any arena you want. We won’t do business with you though. We don’t enjoy being ripped off.

And now your own boys know that you are a bonafide scam artist, all around shitty human, and an internet troll.

As for the rest of the boys, are you proud of your scam artist boy? We really hope that none of you lent Jason money, as you can see you probably won’t get it back. We have information on all of you and it will be released.

If you do not want this community to know about your level of involvement the solution is simple: don’t be a Proud Boy. This community will not tolerate, bigotry, calls for violence against the marginalized and support for overt fascists. We will make your life hard and we will encourge others to divest from you. Peg city don’t play.

More info will be released in the following days and weeks, and folks, you’re going to want to consult FF1 next time you think of buying a new car, a house or getting your carpets cleaned. Proud Boys will rip you off. For a group that staunchly defends and promotes capitalism they sure are really bad at it.

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